Mn-Zn Ferrite Cores


Mn-Zn ferrite possesses low loss and high permeability characteristics at frequencies above several hundred kHz and is widely used as a power ferrite material for transformers in switching power supplies and DC-DC converters. To meet customer requirements, we offer a rich lineup of proprietary materials, including the 6H series, which provides stable low-loss performance across a wide operating temperature range suitable for automotive applications; the 7H series, optimized for high-frequency power supplies; and ferrite for countering eddy currents in receiving coils for wireless power transfer.

Material lineup

Material lineupApplicationMaterial characteristics(Japanese only)
6H seriesIt features low core loss and high saturation density, making it widely applicable for transformers and choke coils used in various automotive switching power supplies.Download
7H seriesThis power material, characterized by low core loss in the high-frequency range(above 500 kHz), is suitable for transformers and choke coils used in high-frequency switching power supplies.Download
4H seriesThis is a power material that offers low core loss while improving DC bias characteristics due to its high saturation density. It is suitable for choke coils in automotive and LED lighting applications.Download
2H seriesThis material is suitable for EMC countermeasures such as common mode noise filters and pulse transformers. We offer a lineup of six materials, from 2H03 to 2H15, to meet a wide range of requirements.Download

Product lineup

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